The 4th International Conference on Integrative Oncology, ICIO2020, Kochi
The Psycho-Oncology session was a collective work of International Conference on Integrative Oncology (ICIO) 2020, International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) and Global Homeopathy Foundation (GHF).
It was the first time ever that a psycho-oncology session included into this international conference with over 700 attendees and 50 speakers.
This session was coordinated by Dr. Veenavani Nallepalli, IPOS member.
Ozan BAHCIVAN from Turkey, the Former Director of IPOS who joined the enlightened the audience on what role Psycho-Oncology plays in cancer care and also the evolution of it in medical history and also the involvement and works of IPOS. He also highlighted that we don't treat the disease but the patient as a whole, emphasising on holistic approach and also spoke about the forthcoming IPOS congress that is to be held from 16-19 June 2020 in Kyoto, Japan.
The session also included a video message by Dr. Jane Turner, IPOS President addressing the Congress about various domains of Psycho-social aspects of cancer care and the need of services and about the extensive works of IPOS.
Dr. E. Vidhubala, Director of Nellai Cancer Centre emphasised on the need of early detection and screening in Primary and secondary health care to Prevent cancer. She also discussed the continuum-gaps of Cancer care.
Dr. Surendran Veeraiah, HOD, Psycho-Oncology department, Cancer Institute, Adyar, Chennai gave the complete picture of Psycho-social aspects of Cancer care and also the need of Assessments like Pain and Distress which helps a lot in the treatment modality. He also discussed on the concerns of the caregivers and how Psycho Oncology is helpful to tackle it.

